Tuesday, January 1, 2008

First Post - Fresh Start :)

So it's January 1st. And I'm starting a(nother) blog. I resolve to be more faithful to this one. Seems like the others are from the past... a past life. (whatever) They all bogged (blogged?) down after a while. I think I complain too much. But here I am fresh and new. 2008. Life is not as angry anymore. (as in my wordpress blog) There's not so much EX junk to talk about .(as in my Y360) This is a brand new thing. Let's hope I can find some stuff to talk about. (HAHA)

Ready.... Set... GO!


ScottK said...

YAY !!! your are back in the ol blogging world wooohoooo. I subscribed to your feed in my gmail reader so now I will know each time you post !! Welcome back and Happy New Year !

Rainee said...

oh coool!! At least now I know I have one reader :)) This place is pretty cool.....