This is a pic of the award-winning Spongebob Squarepants cake! :) I know Patrick is a little skinny and Plankton is prob'ly a bit large in comparison to the other characters but.... Nickelodeon and Deco-Pac liked it enough to pick it as winner of the top prize. Out of 200 entries :)
Just had to show off a little.........
I don't remeber ...what did you win. And just so you know this whole thing goes back to me telling you that you should be a children's book illustrator....now where are my doggie pics ??? (JK)
I won a Playstation2, 2 Spongebob games for Playstation2 and a very cute wooden rolltop Spongebob toybox. That I assembled myself! :)
Doggie pics..... ummmm.... I'll get right on that Sir!!!!
Oh and yes, Bro.... you have been, are, and always will be.... my inspiration. (hehe!!!!)
That's very cool. A great cake...love the colors. Hey, you are due some artistic license in this too, ya know. You did a fantastic job! Just the beginning...
your cake is fabulous! My god-sons birthday is next week and he loves spongbob. can you share your ideas for this cake? Is this buttercream and spray paint? You are super creative. How did you make the characters? Thanks for sharing
sorry did not include my email address.
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