I don't know how many of you guys text, but since I have 2 teenagers on my cell phone plan, unlimited everything was the only way to keep my bill under control. IE: we text alot.... maybe even more than we talk.
If you text alot you can relate to my predictive text woes. Whoever invented that system has a very weird way of thinking. I mean.... who made up T9?? Whoever it was they didn't take alphabetical order in to account, did they? Because if they had, I wouldn't have to go back and clear out the word FOOT every time I try to say "don't." Doesn't D come before F in the english language?
And which dictionary did they access to decide what is a word and what isn't? The first time I T9-ed the phrase "okey dokey" it came up "Oldy Foldy." Which still makes me lol. Is FOLDY a word?? I don't understand. But it made me laugh so hard there are times I just send out "oldy foldy" for laughs.
It never fails that I text "IN" when I meant "GO" or "HE" instead of "OF." Being the perfectionist that I am, this drives me crazy. I can't send anything out without heavy editing.
But I s'pose it's easier than hitting the 2 key 3 times to get a C, or the 7 4 times when you need an S.... I just get tired of IMHO appearing every time I wanna say "goin." I use "goin" alot more than IMHO. Couldn't they have factored in some way to remember which words are used most often? I guess that really is expecting too much. And I won't even get in to what comes across when I try to type words I don't know how to spell.... or how you have to think about who you're texting, when you're texting, to decide if they are hip enough to figure out the latest acronism, or if it would be better to take the time to spell out what I'm trying so hard to say. When will I realize that it might be easier to hit the "call" button??? Remember conversation??
Texting is a nice way to send a hello or check up on a distant friend tho. I've had a few fights with my daughter via text message, and I think I even heard the phrase "You text-ignored me" on tv the other day. It can't be too bad cuz I'm constantly deleting when I get the message "SMS memory full."
My favorite thing about texting is the "lock" or "protect" feature. It means I can save forever those sweet little messages that come across my phone. I have the one where my bf first sent me the L word, and when David called me "The best mom." I look at them when life gets rough and remember I am loved!! Pathetic I know but hey.... ya gotta do what you gotta do to get by.
SO - if you read this and happen to have unlimited texts on your phone plan let me know :) We can keep in touch...
As long as I can keep my message to 145 characters....