since I always come here to moan and groan, I think I need to stop by and tell the world I'm having a wonderful day... I don't know what's going on in the cosmos, but maybe it's an apology for yesterday.
The good stuff started happening yesterday actually. I had agreed to sub cleaning a plant in a town 45 minutes from here. no big deal but the kicker was that the shift was 2-6am. I said ok cuz it was a one-time thing and I need the money. But it weighed so heavy on my mind. It was supposed to come down Thursday nite/Friday morning. Fridays are consistently the toughest in the bakery biz, so I was really worried. Then my cleaning boss asked me to go a day early to follow behind the girl I would sub for, so I would see the routine. That meant 2 nites of getting up at 1am... then a killer shift at my day job.
But yesterday it got canceled!!! yay! I don't have to do it anymore and I can keep MY cleaning schedule the same as always. Great thing number 1.
Great thing number 2 came when my bf said he missed me and asked me to come over to his house last nite. I'd already been there fri-mon. but hey, what's one more trip north if it's to keep good company, right? I got there and supper was cooked, American Idol was on the tube, everything was perfect. Especially the snuggle-time later :) Waking up there was very sweet. Having someone to talk to, eat eggos with... it was good. Very good. Im still glowing.
Then I got to work and had it on my own. I can't really describe how nice and peaceful that was, but trust me... it was. Then David texted me and said he paid my cell phone bill, the other thing weighing heavy on my mind. I couldn't really find a way to squeak out that money, no matter how long or hard I studied it. Mind you, the last time he paid it I got a message a week later that something went wrong with the payment and it came back to me anyway.... but his heart is in the right place and he did buy us some time. I just hope he didn't compromise his checking account to do it.
Then he came to the bakery and hung out awhile. I haven't seen him in a few weeks so that was great. Then Mellie came in about 5 minutes after Dave left.
The sun is shining and it's almost 60 outside. I'm on my own at work again so all is peaceful.
I am a little nervous cuz this many great things hasn't happened to me all in one day in years, probly.... I'm wondering what the payoff's gonna be. Sad to say, but it's true. I keep waiting for the hammer to fall....
For now I'm going with the fabulous day I've been given so far. I've been smiling all day :D Gives me hope. Could it be that the sun is shining on LIFE? maybe it's more than just a weather pattern.
I'll let ya know :)
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