Sunday, January 13, 2013

Funny Thing Happened (on the way to Mr Right)

I've always been enthusiastic about the concept of love... And I've always made excuses to myself as to why that enthusiasm is perfectly fine. I mean, if you care about someone they should KNOW, right?? First thing every morning. Last thing at night. No matter what. We never know what tomorrow could bring so...


Then I started dating. I didn't know there was a "48 Hour Rule." Didn't know guys can't stand it when girls call or text first. I didn't "get" the whole "desperate/needy" concept until I met Bob. It started out nicely... he was attentive, sent texts, called on the phone, we had ok conversation. But then he got just a little pushy. We met, had a pretty good day, but the very next day I got the "I love you" text. 1 date. 2 weeks of communication. and he said "I love you."

Yes, part of me KNOWS it's a terrible thing to trash love. I don't want to look down my nose at anyone or imply that I'm better than they are. But how in the world can anyone profess to love someone they don't know?? When I voiced my concerns his response was that I shouldn't let hurts from the past get in love's way. But that wasn't it at all. He couldn't possibly love me if he didn't KNOW me. And I knew better than anyone that he did NOT know me. Suddenly so much became clear in my head.

Love is not pushy. Love doesn't seek it's own way. Bob could have, at any given moment, backed off and allowed me the time and space to develop friendship first. But instead, he chose to tell me he was right and I was wrong. Instead, I got a full-blown lesson on why the "desperate/needy" chick is NOT what I need to be. No matter HOW much I wanna tell someone how I feel - I need to think about how that could affect things.

Love starts out like everything else. It's a seed we plant in another person's heart. By being ourselves around that person, spending time and showing support. It'll either grow or wither away, and once we release it there's nothing we can do but wait. and LEAVE IT ALONE. If we pester it, it can't settle in or grow roots. If the soil is hostile, we can't change it. Some hearts are not ready. And that's out of our hands. I was not ready. I don't talk to Bob anymore. But he sure has taught me a lesson. I've backed WAY off, and that has given me its own gift... a more solid idea of what I really want. And I don't think I'm ready for "love."

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